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Instant neck pain relief with NeckUplift

Neck pain is a common problem with very few solutions. Thanks to the NeckUplift this is about to change. The NeckUplift gives you a neck and cervical stretch and brings the miracle of decompression right to your home, in the form of a simple portable device that you can use every day.

NeckUplift- Utilisation

Relieve neck pain in 10 minutes or less with a simple, portable device.

There are several causes of chronic neck pain.

Intense physical exertion leading to stiff muscles or poor posture at the office that becomes part of everyday life. It is essential to find the treatment that can really bring you relief. Our cervical decompression device, which hangs easily over a door, is compact and lightweight, it travels with you to relieve neck and shoulder pain anytime.

The NeckUplift gently stretches your neck and you regain your mobility

With this traction device, you have your relief at your fingertips, wherever you go. Using cervical traction, the NeckUplift is able to gently stretch and relax the neck muscles, while expanding the intervertebral space of your spine. The NeckUplift portable cervical traction device helps oxygenate your muscles, ligaments, and tendons while providing pain relief. You will experience more mobility in your shoulder blades, neck, back, and your entire body.

NeckUplift -détendre les muscles du cou

How to use the NeckUplift

NeckUplift -Utilisation
NeckUplift -Utilisation
NeckUplift -Utilisation NeckUplift -Utilisation
1. Attach the binding

Open an interior door and place the ball of the strap on top of the door, in the middle, then close the door.

2. Prepare the NeckUpLift

Place a chair against the door just below the clip. Secure the NeckUpLift to the retaining strap using the 3 carabiners.
If you are worried that someone will open the door during your session, close the lock or notify those around you.

3. Adjust the NeckUpLift

Sit down, open the Velcro on one side and run your head through the device, then secure the Velcro by adjusting the tightness on both sides for optimal support.
Then feel the stretch exerted and make the necessary adjustments.

4. Relax

Relax and let the NeckUpLift do its job. You will feel traction at the cervical level that you can adjust using the Velcro on the fixing strap, adjustable from 14 to 25 cm. As a last resort, you can also adjust the length of the elastic strap using the knot.
For more convenience, use an office chair with an actuator, and you will be able to carry out the adjustment with ease.


Don't go through the pain anymore.

Is this part of your daily life?

Traitements couteux
Stress Sleep Problems Anxiety Expensive treatments


Comment fonctionne le NeckUplift, l'appareil pour étirer les cervicales ?

Le NeckUplift permet un étirement en douceur de la nuque et des cervicales. Grâce à la traction cervicale ,il soulage la douleur en détendant les muscles du cou. Son utilisation est très simple. et s'effectue en 4 étapes : Attachez la fixation Fixez le NeckUpLift à la sangle de maintien Ajustez l'appareil à vos besoins Détendez-vous !

Quels sont les bienfaits d'un appareil pour etirer la nuque ?

Le NeckUplift permet une décompression cervicale. Il réduit les tensions du cou, libère les nerfs coincés, augmente la mobilité , soulage les douleurs et les maux de tête et détend les muscles. L'utilisation de cet appareil va également améliorer votre posture et éliminer vos maux de têtes ce qui pourra corriger vos problèmes de sommeil et de diminuer vos sensations de stress ou d'anxiété

Comment soulager vos douleurs aux cervicales grâce au NeckUplift ?

Si vous souffrez de douleurs aux cervicales suite a un effort physique intense ou d'une mauvaise posture à votre travail, notre NeckUplift peut être une solution rapide et efficace ! En effet, cet appareil vous permet d'étirer votre cou en douceur en élargissant l'espace intervertébral de votre colonne pour oxygéner vos muscles et vos ligaments

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